Happy Tuesday! Back again with another round of house updates. Last week I shared our bedroom and bathroom, and did a quick post on wanting to add wallpaper to our water closet. Do you think my top choice is crazy?! When I started writing this post, I looked back at the last time I shared the kitchen, and wow! We are leaps and bounds from there, and I’m excited to share another kitchen update today.
We were fortunate to have ordered our appliances well in advance, so all were able to be installed prior to us moving in. We did have a slight delay on getting the cabinet fronts for our panel-ready appliances (fridge, dishwasher, and ice maker) so those were just installed at the end of September, and it was really cool to see how these changed the look of our kitchen. I’m really happy that we went with this option and love the custom look it brings to the space.
We are also loving the French-door oven. It’s very practical and easy to use, and I now know why you see them in so many professional kitchens. Ryan’s favorite appliance is probably the built-in coffee maker. It’s fully plumbed and makes coffee much like a French press does, and he says it’s the best cup of coffee he’s had. Although he mostly drinks black coffee, it’s able to make all the fancy drinks that need heated milk or frothing.
A few key features that are noteworthy- the dual appliance garages on either side of the range. One side holds our toaster, peanut butter and bread, and the other side holds our stand mixer and smoothie maker. It definitely has made our breakfast routine more efficient.
I’ve had a few people message me about what a ‘drip ledge’ is. If you look in the photos below, you can see where I had a piece of the countertop material installed below the sink and it does just as the name says, it catches drips from the sinks. It’s one of those details that is practical but also a pretty, custom touch.
Cabinet hardware might not seem like a big deal but after waiting four weeks for these and having to use tape pulls, hardware now feels like a luxury! We are still waiting on a few backordered pulls that will go on our hidden pantry door, broom closet (narrow cabinet next to the fridge), and below the cooktop. We are also still waiting on our island pendant lights that are *supposed* to be here at the end of the month.
Our new dining table was delivered last week, and we love it! I’m waiting for our new dishes to arrive and then I’ll share that room. Our entry cabinet also arrived, which you may have seen if you follow along with our stories here. I still need to style this out, but working to get that wrapped in the next week or so. Check back later this week for an update on our living room and possibly the dining room. Hope everyone has a great weekend and is enjoying the fall season!